Showing posts with label Garden of Eden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Garden of Eden. Show all posts

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Garden of Eden

Let's hold hands and walk in the garden
Search around for the four-leafed clover, 
Walk around till we find the true mystique
Of a clover much-searched for and found.

One leaf for faith, hope, love and good luck,
Good luck, the most needed of them all,
From morning till night, we could pluck
And learn from the leaves of a four-leaf,

When the magic of the purple riot falls off life,
In a sunless garden where the flowers are dead,
A four-leaf clover might bring in a warm smile
Memories of bright sunshine and summer rain;

An Eve in the Garden of Eden plucked a clover
To know if Adam is her one true faithful lover.

The Unsent Letters