Showing posts with label Purple Passions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Purple Passions. Show all posts

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Déjà vu

Monday brought its blues
The pull between dreams
And the bitter reality
When you had to face
The same music, in the past

The fear of an ending
When there’s no beginning,
Without anything to say
Except a few bitter words
And as you say my lies

What can I say except
That you have no clue
What mess you will be
When all this finishes
Because I know well

Sometimes the heaven
Offers some warning
Some strange signal
For the weary traveller
To run away for life

There are no endings
Nor any beginnings
In a love like this
Only a pervading sense
Of our seamlessness

Sunday, November 10, 2019

For us

Not wrapped in glitzy sheets
Nor given with graceful words
A gift casually made out of 
A used personal belonging

The thought behind the gift
Were purple hearts drawn
And scrawled on pages that
Looked like reminders

You could have pinned it 
And showed it with pride
Than make purple hearts
And make others laugh

The deep red of a riot
Soul colour of a shade.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Message in a Bottle

You drink me with your eyes
Your slices of brown bread
Your mugs of black coffee

You think of yesterdays
Worry about tomorrows
While there is only the now

Wrapped is the present,
This time where dreams
Reign over reason.

Forget the lies of snow,
Forget the lies of words
Think only of the now.

Rush not stay steady
Drink your coffee black
Your eyes on me...

Saturday, November 15, 2014


Artemis and Athena 
Walked in these corridors; 
Until in your eyes
Aphrodite was wakened.

But all the gods are aware
Of this sea-change
That has brought nothing
But trouble and beauty.


A muse who made me smile, 
Made me cry, versify
Once again

Move On

You can help me get over you
I can help you get over me
May be that's what is love


A wall was built
Between two souls
That loved well.
But if I fly out
Of this maze
This happens
What does it
Make me?


A childhood smile
Mirrored in two faces
In a new season of love


The music of voice 
Once tasted
And made forbidden

Desire of the moth for the star
Night for the morn
Is that what you are?

Friday, October 10, 2014


Can’t still this crying heart
That cries along with an innocent,
One wronged, accidentally,
One who wears his heart on the sleeve.

This heart cries everyday, every moment
For I have sinned against an innocent,
One who hasn’t learnt the ways of the world
One who wears his heart on his sleeve.

For seven long years I have not prayed
Nor moved these lips to silent reverence,
Whatever religion was only for comfort,
Not since I lost love on the way.

A right signal read at the wrong time,
My dear, it was only an accident,
But one that showed a clear heart
Untainted by this world of false love.

Can’t bear to see your broken soul,
Your sad face and lost happiness,
That tortures me day and night, so
I take up my beads to pray once again.

The Unsent Letters