Showing posts with label Songs of the Super Moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Songs of the Super Moon. Show all posts

Friday, November 24, 2023


You shine radiant and bright with the light of your wisdom, the way you fiercely stand up for what you want in life and by the fire of your words and actions. 

You heal the curse of generations by being different from the rest of your tribe and by your pure life that has become a model for others. 

You are outwardly like the rest yet a quiet strength radiates from your being, drawn from experience and from bearing with equanimity whatever life has been throwing at you. 

You own the heart of a lion and you lead the pack not by words but by being you, so that people are not scared to be themselves around you. 

You are of the house of the Sun and you love to dress in the colors of its radiance like the sunflowers and the marigolds do. You hold the torch of wisdom so that others can see in the darkness. 


Thursday, November 23, 2023

A Glass of Lemonade

Just like most of the weary traveler scorched by the summer heat, you dream of cool water bodies to immerse yourself in or of drinking tall glasses of cool lemonade or applying unguents on your hot and tired body. In many of your summer dreams, you recollect your childhood spent playing near the River Green and spend days eating ripe mangoes from the tree in your yard. You long for your childhood companions and think of the times when you could play forever in the cool waters. The summer also brings back your dreams of a loved one and the quiet knowledge of his affection, not uttered aloud everyday but read through the love-light that you read in his eyes.

In the midst of this tedious summer, you find reasons to celebrate- like the first rain that brings smells of the wet earth and a sense of coming alive with nature. You feel the same resurgent life as you step into the River Green and forget time in its waters. Or when you sip a tall glass of tasty lemonade from a wayside shop just to quench your thirst. This sweet and tasty taste of lemonade quenches your thirst but keeps you craving for more, and this becomes linked in your mind with summer heat. Like the love-light in his eyes that you recall every now and then, going back again and again to your loved one and your dreams of being one with him in all senses- mind, body and spirit- you dream of the tasty lemonade that comes back to you every time you think of summer.

And, though this love has lasted several summers not one and has awakened in  you desires too deep for words, your thirst for this glass of elixir and your love of your dreams have stayed the same throughout the many summers. 


Saturday, June 11, 2022

Songs of the Super Moon

In the long years that we were in love,
You were the only sun of my universe
I have rhymed, bled and given birth
On the pure rhythms of your calendar.

Like the moon, I have had my full tides,
Where I have went ahead of everyone,
Conquered the world and been on high,
Loved you with the might of my limbs.

Like the moon, I have had my ebbs,
Where I have fallen behind so low,
So much that I couldn't smile or laugh,
Missed your limbs that coil round me.

We change with the tides of the moon,
Yet our love comes back in full circle.

Saturday, July 18, 2020


After the days of humdrum, you and I have met,
Savourings days of togetherness and promises;
After the sleepless nights of sad separation,
You and I have made recompense with our lives.

When the others have chosen the easy crossroads,
We have been foolish in not seeing the obvious;
The lessons that our elders gave every single day
Much to our dismay and feeling of righteousness.

We have not been lucky at the crossroads again;
You and I parted ways more than once in life;
While time ravages youth and leaves us feeble,
Broken, old, lonely, sad and too tired to talk.

We have been fools who missed the obvious lessons,
But when we come together, it is like spring again.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Love notes from far

This night may be dark and quite long, my dear,
But I am up waiting for you to come home to me;
In the meanwhile, I take up my journal and pen,
And write down a few thoughts that cross my mind.

How did we begin this history of you and me once?
How did I learn to send love notes to you so often?
For when the muse comes, some words make no sense,
They often cut an old vein or punch an old pain.

But when your heartache travels from distant lands,
When your heartbeats reach me at this hour of night,
I cannot lie down on my bed peacefully any longer,
I think of that day when you looked at me surprised.

For in one moment, a nameless feeling overruled all,
Now, I have many lone nights to lull myself to sleep.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

A cup of comfort

Your words taste like a sip of hot coffee
That I drink for comfort during my day
To soothe my throat, to bring some life,
To clear away all the weariness of spirit.

They pull me out of my tent of isolation
That I weave out  of every crisis I've been
They come out of things that hurt you most
To bring a catharsis always, laughter or tears.

They were about the troubles you overcame,
By finding relief in self-expression in words
Got comforted by strong shoulders, kind arms
And a strong loving heart you called home.

Far away or close at hand, this cup of comfort
Stays around with me like your coffee perfume. 

A Perpetual Wish

Saturday, March 09, 2019

Summer Rains

 Pic Courtesy: the web :-)

There are no songs of the summer showers without you,
There is no summer tedium that doesn’t burst into rain,
When a good old love like ours is remembered in time,
When your wet hair and shiny eyes can bring a downpour. 

In that summer of uncertainties a billion decades back,
When it scorched and blazed into unquenchable fires,
We might have stood at the same crossroads unawares,
We might have been the chemistry that burnt a world.

Still, I remember how the songs burst into summer rains,
Still, I remember how you will never say what you want,
Probe me just to find out what I am thinking right now,
Yet not recognize may be it was about you that I thought.

The words remain concealed in our sacred spaces forever,
The few random lines of poetry that fails to give recompense.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019


     You were a springtime in this uneventful life,
Where your promises filled this heart daily,
Your thoughts played like a chorus in a song,
And in those days, you were like a demigod.

When you reach out with your tender words,
When you return to this life with your bounce,
I forget that once your absence left me hurt,
And I celebrate your homecoming with delight.

My fears are about what I’ll do if you go away,
For a promising world had collapsed in a day.
When you and I parted our ways eons ago,
To leave behind a life of longing and strife.

You bring new thoughts and dreams to cherish
Again I speak of us as if we are one single unit.

Sunday, February 10, 2019


Your fingers taunt me with their magic,
Your lips haunt me with their persistence,
Your love is from an unrealistic world,
One that could set me on fire always.

Your gentle whispers that could melt me,
Your endearing ways that leave memories,
Your words that have a hold over me,
Mind, body and soul throughout time.

Your face I search on my every face,
Your musical voice I long to hear daily, 
You intrude upon my silent moments
And leave an empty hole beside me.

Awake from a dream of our togetherness,
I feel languorous from our lovemaking.


Will the days ever come back?
You turn and hide the fears,
The loneliness, the despair
The longing that takes over.

You long for his sad long face,
One that keeps haunting you
You dream of his nimble fingers
And being lost in his magic.

This life was not to be like this,
You had pleasant dreams always
One of lifelong togetherness
Where tiny toes stepped forward.

Still this is the life one has now,
One of despair and longings.

Sunday, September 02, 2018

Message in a bottle

When I sat before you, with my heart beating,
There were a few words that I wanted to say,
You in your impatience didn't want to hear, 
My desire for you be around me forever.

I want you to drink me with your dark eyes,
Like the way you drink your black coffee
I want you to consume me like you devour
The huge pot of dessert set before you.

I want you to forget what happened earlier,
I want you to forget the worries of tomorrow,
Abandon all the lies that we say aloud daily,
And let the heart reign over reason for once.

What we have left before us is the present,
Where you need to be with me as my love.

Saturday, August 18, 2018


Why to sing of love when all our hopes are buried?
Why to talk of love when there is anger everywhere?
 Love has become the truth that needs to be sung,
From the rooftops, for the near and dear to wonder.

Why talk of the rain during the scorching summer?
Why talk of warmth during the dark wintry nights?
What is often needed becomes the talk of the hour,
Much missed yet has to be recognized and sought.

The earth celebrates the touch of rain with sprouts
That break afresh everywhere through the ground;
The sky relishes the warmth of the sun with life,
During the dark cold nights common in winter.

It's the piece of earth in me that celebrates the rain,
And the piece of sky in me that loves sunshine.

Friday, February 16, 2018


The writing stretches across the bright blue sky,
In the form of snow-white clouds that loom large
A look-out notice for your soulmate you really miss
Against the distant blue mountains and valleys.

From my vantage point that shows me the land,
I watch the skies turn from blue to ochre shades,
When your songs at twilight brought an embrace
Or brought in a love-light too strong to withstand.

Your hands that trace the contours of my body
Your eyes that appreciate the hues that I'd wear,
You bringing me my favourite chempaka flowers
Or telling me stories of your long weary work-day.

The absence of years made worthy by its pain,
Love that stays forever written across the skies.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

The Year of the Brown Earth Dog

Long while ago, in the Year of the Metal Rooster,
When the world was witnessing mighty big events
One lazy afternoon, some fun blended them together-
A Water Dragon and a Wood Sheep- now my parents.

It must have been raining outside, I still imagine,
My earliest cells might have dreamt of the monsoon,
Of the soft pitter-patter it made on the tin roofs,
While the two powerful elements mixed together. 

What strange elements it must have been I wonder,
A thundersome anger, love of music and poetry,
What strange moment it must have been to form
A mysterious phenomenon, welcome or unwelcome.

The story of me began in the Year of the Rooster,
It welcomes now the Year of the Brown Earth Dog.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Female Quixote

May be a kindly Quixote might rush towards you,
May be a warrior on a white horse might rescue you
If only you let her envelop you in her loving arms,
If only you let her make you forget all your worries.

For there are no invisible windmills left to fight for,
Only the needs such as shelter or grace to live by,
Then the charm of your words to light up my days,
Or the warmth of your smile to keep me alive always.

These songs of a miracle that did move mountains,
These words that sound so simple yet difficult to say,
What the heart wanted to say all these weary years
All melting down before a miracle that's so strange.

Simple yet powerful the words rush and gush out
The ways of saying "I love you" written in the skies.

The Unsent Letters