Sunday, April 26, 2009

Waterlily in our garden

This was a surprise on Saturday, when I found out that the pond in our garden has a new-comer other than the frogs, tadpoles and fish(officially it's Dad's fishpond). Beautiful, graceful and bright-shaded, this water-lily has changed the appearance of the entire place. I hope to get up early morning tomorrow to get a snap of it, with its petals opened. 

Saturday, April 25, 2009

My alma mater

Mar Ivanios College, Trivandrum
Veritas liberabit vos
Truth shall liberate you, 
My college for seven long years. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

April 22: Earth day

Thank you, my beautiful earth,
For being my home and muse,
For sights, sounds, beings and life.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Your work earns you respect and keeps your body and soul together. It fills your empty mind with thoughts of perfection and keeps you focused enough to face the mad words that the world slings at you. But most of us have known the joys and pains of hibernation, when you rested at home and proved the reverse of the rule of motion that a body in motion stays in motion by obeying the rule of inertia. 

Then one day when your words gather rust, you set out in search of greener pastures to rest your mind; for with no work to fill the empty spaces, life turns dull and monotonous; days close and open their eyes. When in such dreary states, the mind naturally longs for some puzzle to solve, some people to teach and some words to write. That's where you find your destination within your reach; to help you glaze like newly burnished metal; you know only to be a light and to shine and sparkle. 

Read more Definitions

Monday, April 20, 2009


Words have lost their shine
And have faded and died,
Like the blossoms in my garden.


You could never celebrate this life fully for you were always weighed down by your worries. You could never let your soul soar to the skies ...