Sunday, October 31, 2021

World Ozone Day

Books on the Table

Soul Food

I am pure spirit

Menstrual pain and essential oil cure

Two of my earlier posts were about having an ecofriendly period and menstrual leave for employees. Recently, I came across the use of essential oils to cure menstrual pain and to reduce cramps and nausea. While most of the quick-relief medicines have side-effects, the use of these oils is relatively safe for the body. For curing periods pain, clove essential oil and eucalyptus oil are used. 

Wind of Change: Menstrual Leave for Women Employees


Thank your Wicked Parents


Period Pain Foods


arcturus gateway


World Food Day

Journal: Serious and Trivial

The pages of my journal await to record a few thoughts. These could serious, trivial or even a mixture of both just like life. All these ram...