Monday, November 11, 2019

A book

You wanted a book dedicated to you, my dear. I could write many a story of you and me, words and silence, music and love, rain and summer.

You are a sacred space that I have never left; a home that keeps me grounded to the world of dreams, though some are lost and some found again. For I’m like the proverbial woman who lost a valuable coin and has found it again after thorough searching.

You have a bowl full of colours that fetch you happiness every day; while I keep mine clean and empty for an impulsive act of alms from you. Someday, you might give me a little from the lot you have, just to keep me from starving.

The clouds still heave and burst into tears, every now and then. Years have gone by; still you are special, by the way you brought back music to me; for I’d never forget that one day, when you made me understand that I had forgotten how to sing.

Every day, from dawn to dusk, your name is like a talisman that I keep safe from the world, till words form one by one and fill these blank pages.


It’s raining heavily this evening
But there alights a golden glow;
On the tall trees of the campus,
The fox’s wedding of the lore.

A sight enough to lift the chill,
We stand in the corridor amazed;
While a horde of boys cackle
To show who’s boss around here.

The rain looks drawn like lines,
Straight by a measured hand;
When the glow disappears sudden
We get back to work and chatter.

A cold long rainy evening it was
Made warm with our smiles.

Good Fortune

Good fortune

There was no good luck on my cards today
Not that I care much for being what I am
But my fortune was not so good enough
Without a smile to lighten my weary day.

Not that I am what you want me to be
Not that I do what you really want me to
I have always ran away yet lost miserably
For I am like a lion in a cage of the past.

A lion that the people watch and observe
Throwing bits and pieces on my tiring day
Fighting over my ownership and knowledge
With records of all my mistakes, past. 

Yet when I look at where you always sit
A stupid grin spreads across my sad face. 

Couple Goals

We have celebrated our days of togetherness as if each day was a special occasion, gone on adventures in the city, explored new nooks and co...