Monday, August 03, 2009

27: Happy Birthday

When the multiplication tables were in
Twenty-seven stood for three raised to three;
Now it stands for the age of this old wine,
The spirit, inside a big barrel called me.

No humble words, the barrel loves to expand,
This spirit grows mellow people say (God knows)
Though it was only yesterday that I was a kid,
Splashing for hours in the mighty river green.

Now the wrong side of twenties beckons me,
For it’s a freefall that all women go through,
From where you slip into the 30s, 40s and 50s,
Wrinkles, complaints and hassles of old age.

A lousy bunch of thoughts on my special day,
That’s me on my twenty seventh birthday!


കൊച്ചുമുതലാളി said...

enikku cake kittiyilla......

Maria Joy said...

If u run and come fast, you will get three fourths of the cake. Arumillarunnu kazhikkan!

Ava said...

Many happy returns of the day. I like your poems.

Age isnt bad really, it adds a lot to you. When someone asks, do you want to be young again, I shudder. No Way. But I do wish I could have the clear eyesight, the agility when you are young.

Anonymous said...

Belated Bday Wishes dear Maria.
Hope you had a funday.

The Unsent Letters