Saturday, March 09, 2019

Summer Rains

 Pic Courtesy: the web :-)

There are no songs of the summer showers without you,
There is no summer tedium that doesn’t burst into rain,
When a good old love like ours is remembered in time,
When your wet hair and shiny eyes can bring a downpour. 

In that summer of uncertainties a billion decades back,
When it scorched and blazed into unquenchable fires,
We might have stood at the same crossroads unawares,
We might have been the chemistry that burnt a world.

Still, I remember how the songs burst into summer rains,
Still, I remember how you will never say what you want,
Probe me just to find out what I am thinking right now,
Yet not recognize may be it was about you that I thought.

The words remain concealed in our sacred spaces forever,
The few random lines of poetry that fails to give recompense.

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