Friday, May 14, 2021

Prayer to Shri Maha Devi Lakshmi

I bow to you, O Mother of All Worlds, O Lotus Born, O Four-Armed Giver of Boons. Gently floating on the Shatki Seas, sitting firmly on the Heart of Vishnu. O Maha Devi, sitting on a pink lotus, thank you for letting us see Your beauty, elegance, exquisiteness, perfection. Thank You for showering our soils with abundant rain, and for the millions of petals, flowers, fruits, seeds, nuts. Praised be you, Loving Devi, shimmering in golden adornments and wearing a splendid red silk gown. You are Shakti, Siddhi, Svadha, Svaha, Sudha. You are the purifier of this world. You are the evening, the night, the light, the darkness. You are Glory, ecstasy, joyfulness, intelligence, and devotion. You are Sarasvati. You are Maha Devi Lakshmi. You celebrate with us and You bring to us flowers, baskets of delicious food, a golden pot of coins, sacred plants, your beauty, your smile, the world as it is right now. You are the Knower of Great Truths, the Watcher of the Here and Now. O Auspicious One, you fathom the Secret Knowledge and are Supra-Insightful, Supra-Intuitive, Supra-Genius. You are the Science of the Self, O Devi, and you are the giver of the Fruit of Freedom (Mukti). Logic, the knowledge of all Vedas, the Tantras, worldly knowledge, and Raja Neeti are all yours. You are fully filled and are present everywhere in this world within and without your ideal, grandiose, or fierce forms. O Devi, who other than You could reside in the Heart of the Him who is the real form of all Yajyas, who is contemplated by all Gods and Yogis. O Devi, when you give up these entire Three Worlds, this entire creation goes to destruction, and then You Yourself choose to play with possibilities of an alternative world, compelled to give life another spin again and again through dozens of Kali Yugas. By your grace only, a person gets a Wife, Husband, daughter, son, house, family, prosperity, peace and friends. Those upon whom You, O Devi, bestow your kindness, they are so favored with good health, prosperity, safety, peace, and happiness. You are the Mother of these entire worlds, and the Goddess of Gods. Vishnu and You, O Mother, are present everywhere in this moving and unmoving creation. Please favor us with continued work, good health, wealth, home, farm, animals, enjoyables, clean water, and food. O Vishnu-Vaksha-Stal-Vaasini, help keep us Loving relations with our Wife, Husband, daughter, son, parents, family, spiritual community, alter-egos and friends. O Devi, Protect our valuables, books, tools, appliances, art, jewelry, personal belongings, and home life. O Pure One, your presence moves us to now celebrate purity, kindness, truthfulness, and goodness. You help us, O Devi, to become admirable, virtuous, brave, fortunate, full of goodness, and intelligent. O Devi, even Sri Brahma Ji is not capable of praising Your greatness. Thus, Maha Devi Lakshmi, may You be satisfied with us and don’t ever leave us.

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