Wednesday, June 02, 2021

A Song



You are my favourite song that I sing day and night till I get tired of singing. You are my summer love of youth that come to me in snatches of songs and as pleasant memories though our love never got a happy ending like others did theirs. With you, it was always the silence that reigned as if we came from some primeval ocean full of ancient longings. You were the sun, the moon, the land, the ocean and all that this heart wanted to see around it.

It was as if we did not need words to speak of the magic that was between us, it was as if we have always known each other minutely and the much-needed words failed to come out though I tried hard when you were around with you. I wanted you to stay around with me always and it is your companionship that I craved throughout all the years.

What I remember is your mellow voice that spoke enthusiastically and warmly of things that moved you and the beautiful way words sounded when you spoke to me. Not that others do not speak enthusiastically or warmly or sweetly but this heart remembers you with fondness and exaggerates how you were, how you spoke and how you behaved. Now, eons later you have become a beautiful song that I know by heart and that might be sung a lifetime.

The Vagina Monologues

The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler is a celebration of female sexuality and contains around 200 anecdotes that were compiled by the author on sensitive topics such as sexual experiences, genital mutilation, pubic hair, menstruation, vaginal care, rape, sex and body image. When the book came out, people wanted to censor the term vagina and instead V monologues was used.The writer points out that vagina is a medical term and not a pornographic one yet most of the women use euphemistic terms when they want to speak about their vaginas. Ensler encourages women to say the word aloud as it will bring about freedom in speaking about their personal experiences that are too shameful for them to talk about including their desires and how they were violated or mutilated.

You suddenly realise all the shame and embarassment you've previously felt saying the word has been a form of silencing your desire, eroding your ambition...And as more women say the word, saying it becomes less of a big deal; it becomes part of our language, part of our lives, Our vaginas become integrated and respected and scared, They become part of our bodies, connected to our minds, fueling our spirits. And the shame leaves and the violation stops, because vaginas are visible and real, and they are connected to powerful, wise, vagina-talking women (Preface). 

 Ensler wrote as a celebration of female sexuality but the V-movement that became a worldwide phenomenon changed its aim to that of preventing violence against women. The book became an eye-opener for women who did not dare to speak openly about their sexuality. It celebrated a woman for her desires, her conditions, and her needs, and "did not classify her by class, religion, identity, or race" thereby threatening the silence demanded of women across various cultures. 


Friday, May 14, 2021

Prayer to Shri Maha Devi Lakshmi

I bow to you, O Mother of All Worlds, O Lotus Born, O Four-Armed Giver of Boons. Gently floating on the Shatki Seas, sitting firmly on the Heart of Vishnu. O Maha Devi, sitting on a pink lotus, thank you for letting us see Your beauty, elegance, exquisiteness, perfection. Thank You for showering our soils with abundant rain, and for the millions of petals, flowers, fruits, seeds, nuts. Praised be you, Loving Devi, shimmering in golden adornments and wearing a splendid red silk gown. You are Shakti, Siddhi, Svadha, Svaha, Sudha. You are the purifier of this world. You are the evening, the night, the light, the darkness. You are Glory, ecstasy, joyfulness, intelligence, and devotion. You are Sarasvati. You are Maha Devi Lakshmi. You celebrate with us and You bring to us flowers, baskets of delicious food, a golden pot of coins, sacred plants, your beauty, your smile, the world as it is right now. You are the Knower of Great Truths, the Watcher of the Here and Now. O Auspicious One, you fathom the Secret Knowledge and are Supra-Insightful, Supra-Intuitive, Supra-Genius. You are the Science of the Self, O Devi, and you are the giver of the Fruit of Freedom (Mukti). Logic, the knowledge of all Vedas, the Tantras, worldly knowledge, and Raja Neeti are all yours. You are fully filled and are present everywhere in this world within and without your ideal, grandiose, or fierce forms. O Devi, who other than You could reside in the Heart of the Him who is the real form of all Yajyas, who is contemplated by all Gods and Yogis. O Devi, when you give up these entire Three Worlds, this entire creation goes to destruction, and then You Yourself choose to play with possibilities of an alternative world, compelled to give life another spin again and again through dozens of Kali Yugas. By your grace only, a person gets a Wife, Husband, daughter, son, house, family, prosperity, peace and friends. Those upon whom You, O Devi, bestow your kindness, they are so favored with good health, prosperity, safety, peace, and happiness. You are the Mother of these entire worlds, and the Goddess of Gods. Vishnu and You, O Mother, are present everywhere in this moving and unmoving creation. Please favor us with continued work, good health, wealth, home, farm, animals, enjoyables, clean water, and food. O Vishnu-Vaksha-Stal-Vaasini, help keep us Loving relations with our Wife, Husband, daughter, son, parents, family, spiritual community, alter-egos and friends. O Devi, Protect our valuables, books, tools, appliances, art, jewelry, personal belongings, and home life. O Pure One, your presence moves us to now celebrate purity, kindness, truthfulness, and goodness. You help us, O Devi, to become admirable, virtuous, brave, fortunate, full of goodness, and intelligent. O Devi, even Sri Brahma Ji is not capable of praising Your greatness. Thus, Maha Devi Lakshmi, may You be satisfied with us and don’t ever leave us.

Prayers to Inanna, the Queen of Heaven

Mighty, majestic, and radiant, You shine brilliantly in the evening, You brighten the day at dawn, You stand in the heavens like the sun and the moon, Your wonders are known both above and below, To the greatness of the Holy Priestess of Heaven, To you, Inanna, I sing! I say, “Hail!” to the Holy One who appears in the heavens! I say, “Hail!” to the Holy Priestess of Heaven! I say, “Hail!” to Inanna, Great Lady of Heaven! Holy Torch! You fill the sky with light! You brighten the day at dawn! I say, “Hail!” to Inanna, Great Lady of Heaven! Awesome Lady of the Annuna Gods! Crowned with great horns, You fill the heavens and earth with light! I say, “Hail!” to Inanna, First Daughter of the Moon! Mighty, majestic, and radiant, You shine brilliantly in the evening, You brighten the day at dawn, You stand in the heavens like the sun and the moon, Your wonders are known both above and below, To the greatness of the Holy Priestess of Heaven, To you, Inanna, I sing!

Hail Mary

Hail, Mary, full of grace! The Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus. Holy, Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Hail Holy Queen

Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve: to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary! Amen.

Orphic Hymn to Gaia

Oh Goddess, Source of Gods and Mortals, All-Fertile, All-Destroying Gaia, Mother of All, Who brings forth the bounteous fruits and flowers, All variety, Maiden who anchors the eternal world in our own, Immortal, Blessed, crowned with every grace, Deep bosomed Earth, sweet plains and fields fragrant grasses in the nurturing rains, Around you fly the beauteous stars, eternal and divine, Come, Blessed Goddess, and hear the prayers of Your children, And make the increase of the fruits and grains your constant care, With the fertile seasons Your handmaidens, Draw near, and bless your supplicants.

Divine Feminine Prayer, by

Mother of the Light, may you reign as a Goddess of Wisdom within my soul. Be present for me now and in every moment of eternity. Take my hand and lead me to the Birthing Light of God within me, for there shall I find my purpose in life revealed. Mother, greet me at the door, embrace me in your loving countenance and smile gently upon me. As your lost child, give me assurance that your grace is with me always. All streams spring from the font of your heart. Your eyes shine as the blue sea into my heart, and you forever find me worthy of your love. In the spirit of this revelation, I offer to reveal myself fully to you, who is my Divine Feminine being, at all times and in all ways. Amen.


Enlightenment is like the moon reflected on the water. The moon does not get wet, nor is the water broken. Although its light is wide and great, The moon is reflected even in a puddle an inch wide. The whole moon and the entire sky Are reflected in one dewdrop on the grass. - Dogen


Harmony We reverently pray for eternal harmony in the universe. May the weather be seasonable, May the harvest be fruitful, May countries exist in harmony, And may all people enjoy happiness.

Giving To Those In Need

May I become at all times, both now and forever A protector for those without protection A guide for those who have lost their way A ship for those with oceans to cross A bridge for those with rivers to cross A sanctuary for those in danger A lamp for those without light A place of refuge for those who lack shelter And a servant to all in need. - Tenzin Gyatso

Offering the Peace

Journal- Serious and Trivial

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