Saturday, June 26, 2021


When the much-awaited Chingam is around
You and I enjoy our days of togetherness,
The scent of sweet jasmines on our bed
Your fingers undoing my long-braided hair.

The long heaps of my kasavu sari all crumbled
Along with your two yards of shiny kasavu mundu
The sweetness of these long waiting years
That finds its way into your limbs and mine.

We rest together after a sumptous onam feast
Amid smells of childhood and old boatsongs
That you sing in your sweet mellow voice,
To the snake-boats across the River Green.

When the spring is finally around for us both
We reign an ancient king and his demure queen.

World Music Day

Friday, June 25, 2021

The Borrowers

Have you ever wondered where all those safety-pins that you had brought have gone? The little things in your home that suddenly disappear all on a sudden and never reappear- a doll and its set of accessories, pins, match-boxes and stamps.

The Borrowers by Mary Norton gives a fantastic picture of what happens to these small items. They are borrowed by small people who are smaller than Tom Thumb or Thumbelina. They use these small items in their day-to-day life. A piece of blotting paper can carpet the entire floor of their home, a stamp can act as a wall-paper, a wad of cotton can be a stool for Arriety Pod, the heroine of the book.

Arriety Clock lives with her father Pod and mother Homily under the floorboards of the kitchen of a large house. Pod is "seen" by a human "bean" and the parents are troubled. To prevent emigration, they introduce Arriety to the concept of borrowing. Pod takes her with him and she meets a small boy who is on vacation from India. They become friends and she reads stories to him.

Strange fact is that there are class-divisions even among these small people. The Clocks are a respectable lot who live next to the clock and whose house has all middle-class luxuries though they are sad that they don't have anyone to appreciate or envy them. The boy lavishes gifts on them- more carpets, more tea-sets and furniture until somebody finds out the truth.

The story is interesting in that Mary Norton creates a world that is small and believable. It fills you with awe in a way no other book does because even a mile's walk is a long journey for a Borrower because of the small size. The humans have conquered many of these limitations through advances in science and technology; so it is a relief to feel that this world is unreal and only in books. Otherwise a lot of our basic beliefs would be destroyed if such a world exists for humans as well. No wonder, Mary Norton's The Borrowers won the Carnegie Medal for the best children's book in 1952.

Prayer on waking up

Karāgre vasate lakșmeeh,
Karamūle saraswatee;
Karamadhye tu govindah,
Prabhāte karadarśanam.

“On the tip of fingers is Goddess Lakshmi, on the base of the fingers is Goddess Saraswati, in the middle of the fingers is Lord Govinda.”

Remembering this, on waking up one should look at their palms first before doing anything else.

Prayer of Love

My soul listen unto me!

Love thy Lord as the lotus loves water

Buffeted by waves its affection does not falter.
Creatures that have their being in water,
Taken out of water, die.

My soul if you have no such love
How will you obtain release?
If the Word of the wise is within us
We shall accumulate a store of devotion.

My soul listen onto me!
Love Your Lord as a fish loves water.
The more the water, the greater the joy,
Greater the tranquility of its body and mind.
Without water it cannot live one watch of the day
Only God knows the anguish of its heart.

My soul listen onto me!
Love Your Lord as water loves milk.
It takes on the heat, boils and evaporates before the milk can suffer.
He alone unites, He alone separates
He alone bestows true greatness.

Without the wise, love cannot be born
The dross of the ego cannot be rinsed away.
He who recognizes God within
Understands the secret of the Word and is happy.
O soul! There is but one gate to the Lord's mansion
And there is no other sanctuary.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

The Sacred Feminine

The female voice

Mother Energy

Gayatri Mantra

Stop being judgemental

There are lots of issues that come to the mind when you think about dowry deaths. Being a woman, you see it interconnected with social conventions and traditions.

Do we teach our girls to think for themselves? Do we teach our girls to stand up ourselves? Though some incidents of violence force us to think twice about these questions, when thinking about the alternatives we fall upon the same solutions that our culture, traditions and mythology offer us.

One of the common problems that girls face is being married off without their full consensus because their voices are not heard. You listen to this complaint constantly from young girls even in these times. But they have no option than to succumb to parental pressure and get married off once they reach a marriagable age. Unless, of course you have a love interest and you choose to marry the one you love with or without the consent of your parents, most girls get married because it is the social custom.

Then of course, you silence a woman through various means, their need for independence, make them sacrifice their careers and hurt them physically, mentally and emotionally through reinforcing the same patriarchal values. A woman who responds is isolated from the rest of the community if she protests.

What I feel is that we all need to teach our girls to think for themselves and stand up for their truth. But, what I see is when women respond on social media against dowry, they are trolled for not practising what they preach. I think that is too judgemental because lots of people give advice because they don't want others to suffer the way they have suffered in life. I think we need to appreciate candid posts from women on this issue.

That also means that a lot of women might generalise their personal experiences because they don't want to wash their dirty linen in public.

I remember how my grandmother used to say that women needs to forgive like the earth does. It was so infuriating especially when it came to winning an argument against your male sibling. Later, I remember how a friend advised me to remain quiet if your husband fights with you. Good advice, but do they practise what they say. I don't think so.

It is high time to leave all these old adages alone and start thinking of new ways to live, behave and survive in a new world.


The Oath of the Vayuputras

World Fairy Day 2021

Garden of Eden

Let's hold hands and walk in the garden
Search around for the four-leafed clover, 
Walk around till we find the true mystique
Of a clover much-searched for and found.

One leaf for faith, hope, love and good luck,
Good luck, the most needed of them all,
From morning till night, we could pluck
And learn from the leaves of a four-leaf,

When the magic of the purple riot falls off life,
In a sunless garden where the flowers are dead,
A four-leaf clover might bring in a warm smile
Memories of bright sunshine and summer rain;

An Eve in the Garden of Eden plucked a clover
To know if Adam is her one true faithful lover.

Songs of the Supermoon

In the long years that we were in love,
You were the only sun of my universe 
I have rhymed, bled and given birth 
On the pure rhythms of your calendar.

Like the moon, I have had my full tides,
Where I have went ahead of everyone,
Conquered the world and been on high,
Loved you with the might of my limbs.

Like the moon, I have had my ebbs,
Where I have fallen behind so low,
So much that I couldn't smile or laugh,
Missed your limbs that coil round me.

We change with the tides of the moon,
Yet our love comes back in full circle. 

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Yin and Yang

Monday, June 21, 2021

World Rainforest Day 2021

Kupala Night

The celebration of Kupala Night is a ritual from Slavic and Scandinavian traditions. It is a mysterious event in which young women weave wreaths and try to find out their future married lives by setting them afloat. Couples jump over bonfires trying to find out if they will be together for life. 

Sunday, June 20, 2021

another remembrance day

Summer Solstice

Blessing for Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice falls tomorrow 21st June 2021. This is the longest day of the year and the return of brighter evenings. The term solstice derives from the Latin and solstiticium meant sun standing still. The sun seems to stand still at the horizon, where it appears to rise and set before moving off in the reverse direction. This time is celebrated across ancient cultures with sun dances and other rituals. It is considered a time for spiritual regeneration and for expressing gratitude for all the blessings in life.


The Story of the Chinese Farmer

Once upon a time there was a Chinese farmer whose horse ran away. That evening, all of his neighbors came around to commiserate. They said, “We are so sorry to hear your horse has run away. This is most unfortunate.” The farmer said, “Maybe.” The next day the horse came back bringing seven wild horses with it, and in the evening everybody came back and said, “Oh, isn’t that lucky. What a great turn of events. You now have eight horses!” The farmer again said, “Maybe.”

The following day his son tried to break one of the horses, and while riding it, he was thrown and broke his leg. The neighbors then said, “Oh dear, that’s too bad,” and the farmer responded, “Maybe.” The next day the conscription officers came around to conscript people into the army, and they rejected his son because he had a broken leg. Again all the neighbors came around and said, “Isn’t that great!” Again, he said, “Maybe.”

The whole process of nature is an integrated process of immense complexity, and it’s really impossible to tell whether anything that happens in it is good or bad — because you never know what will be the consequence of the misfortune; or, you never know what will be the consequences of good fortune.

— Alan Watts

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Playlist of the Day: Tamil Meloldies

1. Narumugai

Thursday, June 17, 2021




Prayer for Forests



Beginner's Mind

"If your mind is empty, it is always ready for anything, it is open to everything. In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's mind there are few". 

Beginner's mind is a term used in Zen and some martial arts that are wedded with meditation. It is an element of awareness pointing out whether we are asleep in the present moment carrying out some script, or are we fully here seeing each moment fresh? It is what keeps a sense of aliveness in any activity we do. Are we relying on habit or is there that opening to see things in a new way?

Affirmations for the Inner Child

Spirit Animal

World Crocodile Day 2021

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

To Clio




Phobos and Deimos



Prayer to Demeter

To Hades


Hanuman Chalisa


Sri Guru Charan Saroj Raj, Nij Mann Mukuru Sudhaari.
Barnaun Raghuvar Bimal Jasu, Jo Daayaku Phal Chaari.

Having polished the mirror of my heart with the dust of my Guru's lotus feet, I recite the divine fame of the greatest king of Raghukul dynasty, which bestows us with the fruit of all the four efforts.

Buddhiheen Tanu Janike, Sumiraun Pawan-Kumar.
Bal Buddhi Vidya Dehu Mohi, Harahu Kalesh Bikaar.

Knowing that this mind of mine has less intelligence, I remember the ‘Son of Wind’ who, granting me strength, wisdom and all kinds of knowledge, removes all my suffering and shortcomings.

Jai Hanuman Gyan Gunn Sagar. Jai Kapees Tihun Lok Ujaagar.
Ramdoot Atulit Baldhama. Anjani-Putra Pawansut Naama.

Victory to Lord Hanuman, the ocean of wisdom and virtue. Victory to the Lord who is supreme among the monkeys, illuminator of the three worlds.
You are Lord Rama's emissary,‌ the abode of matchless power, Mother Anjani's son and also popular as the ‘Son of the Wind’.

"Mahaveer Vikram Bajrangi. Kumati Nivaar Sumati Ke Sangi.
Kanchan Baran Biraj Subesa. Kaanan Kundal Kunchit Kesa."

Great hero, You are as mighty as a thunderbolt. You remove evil intellect and are the companion of those having good ones.
Your skin is golden in color and You are adorned with beautiful clothes. You have adorning earrings in Your ears and Your hair is curly and thick. 

Haath Braj Au Dhwaja Biraaje. Kaandhe Moonj Janeu Saaje.
Shankar Suvan Kesarinandan. Tej Prataap Maha Jag Bandan.

In Your hands, shine a mace and a flag of righteousness. A sacred thread adorns Your right shoulder.
You are the embodiment of Lord Shiva and vanar-raj Kesari's son. There is no limit or end to Your glory, Your magnificence. The whole Universe worships You.

Vidyavaan Guni Ati Chaatur. Ram Kaaj Karibe Ko Aatur. 
Prabhu Charitra Sunibe Ko Rasiya. Ram Lakhan Sita Mann Basiya.

You are the wisest of the wise, virtuous and (morally) clever. You are always eager to do Lord Rama's works.
You feel extremely delighted in listening to Lord Rama's doings and conduct. Lord Rama, Mother Sita, and Lord Laxmana dwell forever in Your heart.

Sukshma Roop Dhari Siyanhi Dikhawa. Bikat Roop Dhari Lanka Jarawa.
Bheem Roop Dhari Asura Sanghare. Ramchandra Ke Kaaj Sanware.

Taking the subtle form, You appeared in front of Mother Sita. And, taking the formidable form, You burnt the Lanka (Ravana's kingdom).
Taking the massive form (like that of Bheema), You slaughtered the demons. This is how, You completed Lord Rama's tasks, successfully.

Laaye Sanjeevan Lakhana Jiyaaye. Sri Raghuveer Harashi Urr Laaye.
Raghupati Keenhi Bahut Badai. Tum Mum Priya, Bhartahi Sum Bhai.

Bringing the magic-herb (sanjivani), You revived Lord Laxmana. Raghupati, Lord Rama praised You greatly and overflowing in gratitude, said that You are a dear brother to Him just as Bharat is.

Sahas Badan Tumharo Jas Gaave. Asa Kahi Sripati Kanth Lagaave. 
Sankaadik Brahmadi Munisa. Narad Sarad Sahit Aheesa.

Saying this, Lord Rama drew You to Himself and embraced you. Sages like Sanaka, Gods like Brahma and sages like Narada and even the thousand-mouthed serpent sing Your fame!
Sanak, Sanandan and the other Rishis and great saints; Brahma - the god, Narada, Saraswati - the Mother Divine and the King of serpents sing Your glory.

Jam Kuber Digpal Jahan Te. Kabi Kobid Kahi Sake Kahan Te. 
Tum Upkaar Sugreevahi Keenha. Ram Milaaye Raj-Pad Deenha.

Yama, Kubera and the guardians of the four quarters; poets and scholars - none can express Your glory.
You helped Sugriva by introducing Him to Lord Rama and regaining his crown. Therefore, You gave Him the Kingship (the dignity of being called a king).

Tumharo Mantra Bibhishan Maana. Lankeshwar Bhaye Sab Jag Jaana. 
Yug Sahastra Jojan Par Bhanu. Leelyo Taahi Madhur Phal Jaanu.

Likewise, complying with Your preachings, even Vibhishana became the King of Lanka.
You swallowed the sun, located thousands of miles away, mistaking it to be a sweet, red fruit! 

Prabhu Mudrika Meli Mukh Maahi. Jaladhi Laandhi Gaye Achraj Naahi. 
Durgam Kaaj Jagat Ke Jete. Sugam Anugrah Tumhare Tete.

Keeping the ring in Your mouth, which was given to You by Lord Rama, you crossed over the Ocean, to no astonishment, whatsoever.
All difficult tasks of this world become easy, with Your grace.

Ram Duaare Tum Rakhvare. Hott Na Aagya Binu Paisare.
Sab Sukh Lahe Tumhari Sarna. Tum Rakshak Kahu Ko Dar Na.

You are the guardian at Lord Rama's door. Nobody can move forward without Your permission which means that Lord Rama's darshans (to get the sight of) are possible only with Your blessings.
Those who take refuge in You, find all the comforts and happiness. When we have a protector like You, we do not need to get scared of anybody or anything.

Aapan Tej Samharo Aape. Teeno Lok Haank Te Kaampe.
Bhoot Pishaach Nikat Nahi Aavein. Mahaveer Jab Naam Sunaave." 

You alone can withstand Your magnificence. All the three worlds start trembling at one roar of Yours.
O Mahaveer! No ghosts or evil spirits come near the ones who remember Your name. Therefore, just remembering Your name does everything!

Naase Rog Hare Sab Peera. Japat Nirantar Hanumat Beera. 
Sankat Te Hanuman Churave. Mann Kram Vachan Dhyaan Jo Laave.

O Hanuman! All diseases and all kinds of pain get eradicated when one recites or chants Your name. Therefore, chanting Your name regularly is considered to be very significant.
Whoever meditates upon or worships You with thought, word, and deed, gets freedom from all kinds of crisis and affliction.

Sab Par Ram Tapasvi Raja. Tin Ke Kaaj Sakal Tum Saaja.
Aur Manorath Jo Koi Laave. Soi Amit Jivan Phal Paave.

Lord Rama is the greatest Ascetic amongst all the Kings. But, it's only You who carried out all the tasks of Lord Sri Rama.
One who comes to You with any longing or a sincere desire obtains the abundance of the manifested fruit, which remains undying throughout life.

Chaaron Yug Partap Tumhara. Hai Parsidh Jagat Ujiyara. 
Saadhu-Sant Ke Tum Rakhvare. Asur Nikandan Ram Dulaare." 

Your splendor fills all the Four Ages. And, Your glory is renowned throughout the world.
You are the guardian of saints and sages; the destroyer of demons and adored by Lord Rama.

Ashta Siddhi Nau Nidhi Ke Daata. As Var Deen Janaki Mata. 
Ram Rasayan Tumhare Paasa. Sadaa Raho Raghupati Ke Daasa.

You have been blessed by Mother Janaki to give boon further, to the deserving ones, wherein You can grant the siddhis (eight different powers) and the nidhis (nine different kinds of wealth).
You have the essence of Ram bhakti, may you always remain the humble and devoted servant of Raghupati. 

Tumhare Bhajan Ram Ko Paave. Janam Janam Ke Dukh Bisraave. 
Antkaal Raghuvar Pur Jaayi. Jahan Janam Hari-Bhakt Kahayi.

When one sings Your praise, Your name, He gets to meet Lord Rama and finds relief from the sorrows of many lifetimes.
By your grace, one will go to the immortal abode of Lord Rama after death and remain devoted to Him. 

Aur Devta Chitta Na Dharai. Hanumat Sei Sarva Sukh Karai.
Sankat Kate, Mite Sab Peera. Jo Sumire Hanumat Balbeera. 

It is not needed to serve any other Deity or God. Service to Lord Hanuman gives all the comforts.
All troubles cease for the one who remembers the powerful lord, Lord Hanuman and all his pains also come to an end.

Jai Jai Jai Hanuman Gosain. Krupa Karahu Gurudev Ki Naai. 
Jo Sat Baar Paath Kar Koi. Chutahi Bandhi Maha Sukh Hoyi.

O Lord Hanuman! Praises and glory to you O mighty Lord, please bestow your grace as our Supreme Guru. 
One who recites this Chalisa a hundred times is released from all bondages and will attain great bliss.

Jo Yeh Padhe Hanuman Chalisa, Hoye Siddhi Saakhi Gaurisa.
Tulsidas Sada Hari Chera, Keeje Nath Hriday Mah Dera.

One who reads and recites this Hanuman Chalisa, all his works get accomplished. Lord Shiva, Himself, is the witness to it.
O Lord Hanuman, May I always remain a servant, a devotee to Lord Sri Ram, says Tulsidas. And, May You always reside in my heart.


Pawan Tanay Sankat Haran, Mangal Murti Roop.
Ram Lakhan Sita Sahit, Hriday Basahu Sur Bhoop.

O the Son of Wind, You are the destroyer of all sorrows. You are the embodiment of fortune and prosperity.

With Lord Rama, Laxmana and Mother Sita, dwell in my heart, always.


Happiness Virus

Prayers to Ma Sita


1. Jaya jaya Giribararaaja kishori/
jaya mahesha mukha chanda chakori
Jaya gajabadana khadaanana maataa/
jagata janani daamini duti gaataa

Glory to you O Daughter of the Mountain
Who looks upon Lord Shiva as a partridge on the moon.
Ganesh and Kartikeya are not your only children,
For you are the shining Mother of all of the creation.

2. Nahin taba aadi madya awasana/
amita prabaau bedu nahin jaana
Bhava bhava bibhava paraabhava kaarini/
bishwa bimohani swabasa bihaarini

You have always been and will exist for eternity
Even the Vedas cannot fathom your depths completely
You are the cause of all existence and its final dissolution
You are the Ultimate enticer, playing with all creation

3. Sewata tohi sulabha phala chaari/
baradaayanee tripuraari piyaaree
Devi pooji pada kamala tumhaare/
sura nara muni saba hohin sukhaare

O Grantor of all wishes, divine partner of the Lord
Serving you leads us to life’s greatest rewards
O Devi, gods, humans, and sages are bow at your lotus feet
And in doing so they easily gain all that they truly seek

4. Mora manoratha jaanahun neeken/
basahu sadaa ura pura sabahee ken
Keenhe-un pragata na kaarana teheen/
asa kahi charana gahe baidehin

You know the deepest desires that reside in my heart
Because within that abode we are never ever apart
It is because of this that I never spoke my thoughts
Saying so, the divine Sita bowed to her sacred feet

5. Vinaya prema basa bha-i Bhavaanee/
khasi maala murati musukaanee
Saadara siyan prasaadu sira dhareu/
bolee Gauri harashu hiyan bhare-u

In Sita’s love and devotion, the Goddess was absorbed
Then she dropped a flower lei as her image sweetly smiled
Sita took the gift and placed it around her neck
Parvati’s hearted filled with joy and happiness, she spoke:

6. Sunu siya satya aseesa hamaari/
puji hi mana kaamanaa tumhaaree
Naarada bachana sadaa suchi saachaa/
so baru milihi jaahin manu raachaa

“Hey Sita, listen to my blessing and then be assured
Your deep inner desire will surely be fulfilled
The words spoken by Narada are always pure and true
He whom you desire will become your husband

























Sita’s Prayer / Hey Mata Durga

1. Jaya jaya Giribararaaja kishori/
jaya mahesha mukha chanda chakori
Jaya gajabadana khadaanana maataa/
jagata janani daamini duti gaataa

Glory to you O Daughter of the Mountain
Who looks upon Lord Shiva as a partridge on the moon.
Ganesh and Kartikeya are not your only children,
For you are the shining Mother of all of the creation.

2. Nahin taba aadi madya awasana/
amita prabaau bedu nahin jaana
Bhava bhava bibhava paraabhava kaarini/
bishwa bimohani swabasa bihaarini

You have always been and will exist for eternity
Even the Vedas cannot fathom your depths completely
You are the cause of all existence and its final dissolution
You are the Ultimate enticer, playing with all creation

3. Sewata tohi sulabha phala chaari/
baradaayanee tripuraari piyaaree
Devi pooji pada kamala tumhaare/
sura nara muni saba hohin sukhaare

O Grantor of all wishes, divine partner of the Lord
Serving you leads us to life’s greatest rewards
O Devi, gods, humans, and sages are bow at your lotus feet
And in doing so they easily gain all that they truly seek

4. Mora manoratha jaanahun neeken/
basahu sadaa ura pura sabahee ken
Keenhe-un pragata na kaarana teheen/
asa kahi charana gahe baidehin

You know the deepest desires that reside in my heart
Because within that abode we are never ever apart
It is because of this that I never spoke my thoughts
Saying so, the divine Sita bowed to her sacred feet

5. Vinaya prema basa bha-i Bhavaanee/
khasi maala murati musukaanee
Saadara siyan prasaadu sira dhareu/
bolee Gauri harashu hiyan bhare-u

In Sita’s love and devotion, the Goddess was absorbed
Then she dropped a flower lei as her image sweetly smiled
Sita took the gift and placed it around her neck
Parvati’s hearted filled with joy and happiness, she spoke:

6. Sunu siya satya aseesa hamaari/
puji hi mana kaamanaa tumhaaree
Naarada bachana sadaa suchi saachaa/
so baru milihi jaahin manu raachaa

“Hey Sita, listen to my blessing and then be assured
Your deep inner desire will surely be fulfilled
The words spoken by Narada are always pure and true
He whom you desire will become your husband





Shri Ram Vandana

Aapadaam Aphartaaram Daataaram Sarv Sampadaam|
Lok Abhiraamam Shri Raamam Bhooyo-Bhooyo Namaamyaham||

Who removes all types of adversity and agony of Jiva (living beings); Who bestows all types of favour, honour and wealth; By looking at whom, the world feel very pleased; to that Shri Rama, I bow again and again.

2. Raamaay Raambhadraay Raamchandraay Maanase|
Raghunaathaay Naathaay Seethayaah Pataye Namah||

My salutations to Lord Rama; To Shri Ramabadhra, To Shri Ramachandra, To the lord of Vedas, To the chief of Raghu clan, To the lord of all worlds, And to the Lord of Sit?.

3. Neelaambuj Shyaamal Komalaangam
Sita Samaro Pitvaam Bhaagam
Paanau Mahaasaayak Chaaru chaapam
Namaami Raamam Raghuvansh Naatham||

Who has complexion and softness like that of a blue lotus, whose body parts are very soft; On whose left side resides his dear consort Sita; Who has a divine arrow and a beautiful bow in His hands, I pray to that Shri Rama who is the Lord of Raghu dynasty.

The Unsent Letters