Saturday, July 30, 2022

Under the banyan tree

Under the tender banyan tree
Who loves to sit with me,
And sing his soulful songs,
Watch the tender leaves flicker-
Come here, come here, come here!
Here we shall live
With no worries
All through this summer.

Our dreams soar sky high
Forever in the sunshine
Happy where we are
Happy with what we have
Come here, come here, come here!
Here we shall love
With no fears
All through this summer.

Green Again

A bit of bright blue sky to sing aloud;
A pelt of rain to sleep comfortably;
A bit of thunder and lightning to look
And feel brave and happy at times.

The swooping  airshow by the kites;
Caught by the eye and not on the lens,
The evening palettes in hues of blue,
That brings back some thoughts of you.

Like a chorus in a song, you play nonstop,
While I watch the skies and the rain,
Look at the fresh green banyan leaves
Turn wan in the summer sun like me.

The tiny heart-shaped leaves will flicker,
And our hearts will turn green once again.

Friday, July 22, 2022

Two Souls


Tuesday, July 19, 2022


Karma Clearing Affirmations

  • I trust the infinite cosmic intelligence to bring positive changes in my life.
  • I trust the God-power within me to erase all my bad karma.
  • I am happily rooted in the present and I gratefully allow the purifying power  of my consciousness to clean the slate of my past.
  • The past is dead and I happily let go of my past.
  • The fire of my consciousness is swallowing up all the negative patterns stored in my mind at all levels.
  • I am grateful and happy to experience new joys and changes in my life.
  • I choose to forgive myself and others while I let go of the past. By doing so, I place my life into the hands of the Divine Intelligence to bring me peace and positive changes in my life.
  • I let go of the past and I trust in the infinite healing presence within me that is working wonder in my life.
  • I allow the healing light of God to make me whole, by clearing all negative patterns of my mind.
  • I forgive all and in doing so I am being forgiven by the infinite God consciousness within me.
  • I trust the healing God power within me to erase all my negative karma and I am infinitely grateful for that.
  • I gratefully allow the universal cosmic consciousness to create a new chapter of love, light and joy in the book of my life
  • I am bathed by the healing white light of God, who is the creator of this body and mind, and who knows best how to heal my life.
  • I trust my life into the hand of the divine intelligence to bring positive changes in my life.
  • I trust the infinite cosmic intelligence that is operating in every opre an every cell my body to heal e and make me positive.
  • I am opening myself to the love, light and healing presence within me to get healed, happy and joyful.
  • God, the giver of my life is healing every aspect of my life.
  • I am opening myself to the divine presence within me so that it knows what to fix within me to make my life smooth, prosperous and joyful.
  • I choose to be open to the changes that life may bring.
  • I embrace the changes brought by life and I allow myself to be healed.
  • I forgive all and let go of all hurt, to accept the positive changes God is bringing into my life.
  • I am open to changes and I allow the divine power and light to heal  me, this moment.
  • I am open to finding true happiness in my life and I t rust the infinite intelligence to help me.
  • The pure light of the divine is working within every cell of my body to heal the past impressions and instil joy within.
  • With love and gratitude I accept the healing brought to  me by my deepest power within.
  • I am accepting health in my body, joy in my mind and happiness in my life.
  • I am open to changing and evolving.
  • I am blissful for no particular reason and I am free, loving and compassionate.
  • I am in this moment and I flow as I change every moment.
  • I am the infinite Self within me which holds all events within.
  • I observe life as a witness, without passing judgement, and in doing so I unlink from my past karma.

Monday, July 18, 2022

Positive Affirmations

“I am submerged in eternal light. It permeates every particle of my being. I
am living in that light. The Divine Spirit fills me within and without.”

“God is within and around me, protecting me; so I will banish the fear that
shuts out His guiding light.”

“Perfect Father, Thy light is flowing through Christ, through the saints of all religions, through the masters of India,
and through me. This divine light is present in all my body parts. I am well.”

“I know that God’s power is limitless; and as I am made in His image, I, too,
have the strength to overcome all obstacles.”

“I relax and cast aside all mental burdens, allowing God to express through
me His perfect love, peace, and wisdom.”

“Teach me to feel that I am enveloped always in the aureole of Thine all-protecting omnipresence, in birth,
in sorrow, in joy, in activity, in meditation, in ignorance, in trials, in death, and in final emancipation.”

“Thy light of goodness and Thy protective power are ever shining through me. I saw them not, because
my eyes of wisdom were closed. Now Thy touch of peace has opened my eyes; Thy goodness and unfailing protection are flowing through me.”

“My Heavenly Father, Thou art Love, and I am made in Thine image. I am the cosmic sphere of Love in which
I behold all planets, all stars, all beings, all creation as glimmering lights. I am the Love that illumines the whole universe.”

“I will help weeping ones to smile, by smiling myself,
even when it is difficult.”

“I will radiate love and goodwill to others, that I may open
a channel for God’s love to come to all.”

Tree of Life Affirmations

I take in and give out nourishment in perfect balance. I am important. I count. I now care for and nourish myself with love and with joy. I allow others the freedom to be who they are. We are all safe and free. 

Affirmation of Forgiveness For Karmic Healing

Affirmation of Forgiveness For Karmic Healing

This affirmation can be used for healing different aspects of your life. Repeat daily in the form of prayer for 21 days.


I ask forgiveness from all living beings,
from all my ancestors,
from Mother Earth and
from the Creator of All That Is

For all the unwholesome deeds
that I have committed against you in any of my incarnations
from the beginning of Time!

I accept your forgiveness now!

I forgive everyone myself – completely and unconditionally.

I forgive myself
for all my unwholesome thoughts,
emotions, words and deeds –
in relation to myself,
to other living beings,
to all my ancestors,
to Mother Earth and the Creator
in all incarnations, from the beginning of time!

I do this completely and unconditionally.

I forgive and accept myself completely in all my incarnations.

Creator of All That Is, thank you for dissolving my negative karma
in relation to the
“HEALTH” aspect of my life!

Thank you for healing this aspect of my life on all levels
– as much as possible now!

With full faith, thank you!

So be it! (3 times)
And so it is!

(Yulia Pal)

Positive Affirmations for the Eyes

• I see with love and joy.
• I now create a life I love to look at.
• I am now willing to see my own beauty and magnificence.
• Life is eternal and filled with joy.
• Harmony and joy and beauty and safety now surround this child.
• It is safe for me to see. I am at peace.
• I am safe in the here and now. I see that clearly.
• I see with love and tenderness.
• I accept Divine guidance and am always safe.
• I love and approve of myself right now.
• It is safe to be me. I express who I am.
• I have the power and strength and knowledge to handle everything in my life.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

The Unsent Letters