Monday, July 18, 2022

Affirmation of Forgiveness For Karmic Healing

Affirmation of Forgiveness For Karmic Healing

This affirmation can be used for healing different aspects of your life. Repeat daily in the form of prayer for 21 days.


I ask forgiveness from all living beings,
from all my ancestors,
from Mother Earth and
from the Creator of All That Is

For all the unwholesome deeds
that I have committed against you in any of my incarnations
from the beginning of Time!

I accept your forgiveness now!

I forgive everyone myself – completely and unconditionally.

I forgive myself
for all my unwholesome thoughts,
emotions, words and deeds –
in relation to myself,
to other living beings,
to all my ancestors,
to Mother Earth and the Creator
in all incarnations, from the beginning of time!

I do this completely and unconditionally.

I forgive and accept myself completely in all my incarnations.

Creator of All That Is, thank you for dissolving my negative karma
in relation to the
“HEALTH” aspect of my life!

Thank you for healing this aspect of my life on all levels
– as much as possible now!

With full faith, thank you!

So be it! (3 times)
And so it is!

(Yulia Pal)

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